Subscription on the website or Patreon?
Why choose the website instead of Patreon? Because you will pay up to 20% less, as Patreon applies additional fees to subscribers regardless of where you are. On the website, you can enjoy the same benefits as on Patreon.
Where can I find more models?
You can find models that are more than 1 month old on
When will I receive my models?
You will receive your models in a compressed format, either after payment or in the email you provided for the payment.
When will I receive my models if I am a subscriber?
Once you have subscribed, your models will be available in your email or in your personal area on the website, in the downloads section. Remember that you can only download the model once. Note that the new models of the month for subscribers will be available after payment.
Can I exchange the welcome models for others?
The models cannot be exchanged; they are a gift for subscribers.
I haven’t received the email with the download link.
In most cases, it will be available in the spam folder of the email you provided for payment. If you haven’t received it, you can contact us by sending an email to
What happens if I subscribe on the 1st of the month?
The models of the month will not be available until they are published throughout the month, but you will have access to the welcome package and a 50% discount. You will not have access to the models of the previous month.
What happens if I subscribe on the last day of the month?
You will have access to the models of the month, but not to the models of the next month until your subscription month is completed.
Example: I subscribed on February 28th, I have access to the models of February, but not to those of March until I pay my March subscription, which would be on March 28th.